Chimposium 2021 – the first global conference created by Mailchimp Partners and Mailchimp sponsors it

1.0 Min Read...I often get asked for advice and questions on how to improve a clients use of Mailchimp, and more often, I am asked this by people wanting to [...]

2021-09-19T14:05:44+13:00September 19th, 2021|Article, Events, Mailchimp, Tips|0 Comments

The New Zealand VA industry is going from strength to strength – new award finalists announced by the New Zealand Virtual Assistant Network.

5.0 Min Read... Way back in 2012, I won the NZ Virtual Assistant of the Year Award, sponsored by Xero, BeMyVA (USA) and Private Box. The NZ Business Review [...]

2021-08-08T13:23:39+13:00August 8th, 2021|Article, Awards, Events, Mailchimp, Media|0 Comments

FYI Magazine – The 5 most common mistakes using Mailchimp

2.0 Min Read... Article in Business North Harbour Association (BNH) FYI magazine concentrating on the 5 most common mistakes using Mailchimp. E-newsletters are a proven way to stay in [...]

2020-12-14T08:17:17+13:00December 14th, 2020|Article, Mailchimp, Media, Tips|0 Comments

e-newsletters – a great way to build business and grow relationships

5 Min Read... You know you ought to keep in touch with your customers and prospects, and a regular e-newsletter sounds like a grand idea. But where do you [...]

2020-12-07T19:43:55+13:00May 21st, 2020|Article, Mailchimp, Tips|0 Comments

The new free Mailchimp website builder vrs WordPress website design and build

4.5 Min Read... Today Mailchimp have extended the 'all in one marketing platform' with the launch of a new free Mailchimp website builder in Beta. Very exciting news, especially [...]

2020-11-01T09:32:39+13:00November 20th, 2019|Article, Mailchimp, Websites|0 Comments

Mailchimp tutorial – How to Create Instagram Ads in Mailchimp

2.5 Min Read/Watch... Linking your Mailchimp list to Instagram adverts allows you to target your list members or people similar to your list members providing you have more than [...]

2020-11-01T09:31:14+13:00July 25th, 2017|Article, Mailchimp, Tips|0 Comments

Outbox’s Top 10 Reasons to use Mailchimp for your e-newsletters

2 Min Read... Any credible marketing communications expert or business coach will tell you how important it is to maintain regular contact with your database. Customers, associates, suppliers, prospects [...]

2020-11-01T09:30:07+13:00September 19th, 2016|Article, Mailchimp|0 Comments
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