3.5 Min Read…

I seldom get time to sit and enjoy a good book but having an iPad enables me to catch a few minutes here and there while I’m out and about.

I had not read more a chapter or two of Richard Branson’s book, ‘Screw Business as Usual’ before it dawned on me that this is something I perhaps had been doing since I was a child. No, not running a business, but giving time and skills to others to help the community in order to better our lives.

From my time as a Girl Guide and visiting the retirement home residents to play weekly bingo to being a Brownie leader or Chair of the Ladies Circle (Round Table), I have always been involved in some way with charity or voluntary organisations that have a united mission to make our world a more caring place.

‘Screw Business as Usual’ looks at how we can change the way we run our businesses in the hope of doing just that. Sustainability plays a major part, but so does giving in other ways. Large corporates can donate huge sums and have the power to run big publicity events, but smaller businesses can also make a difference as I am sure many of you do.

Whatever service or goods you offer there will be someone needing your talents, not always as a monetary cost to you, but perhaps in time. If we all could give time in some way just think what change we could create in our communities.

So far this year I have enjoyed sponsoring the Sports Expo, encouraging families to try more sport, and this month have created a new website for Youth Theatreworks. This charity gives Kiwi youngsters the chance to improve their acting skills through traditional theatre and workshops run by industry professionals.

There are times when the load you take on may seem a daunting task but there is always an extra hour late in the evening or early morning when some more work can be squeezed in. However tiring, I can assure you the personal satisfaction is always worth the effort, not to mention the joy on those faces of others who have benefited in some way.

I’d love to hear how your company makes a difference and feature you in our newsletter or on social media, after all, if we share our ideas just think of the endless possibilities we could achieve.