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I’m always writing lists of things I want to do one day when I have time, but rarely have the time to do them. The lockdown, due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), may be a time in our lives when we get to do and try some of those activities and not feel guilty about it.
We may not be able to do anything about our job loss, being isolated or downright worried, but we can remain positive and hope we all come through this. Stay safe, stay home and let’s get positive! Those that are still working may be busier than ever and those working from home shall need other house members to be keep occupied.
A number of these rely on internet access, but there is hopefully something for everyone, old and young, wired or not. Some may even help you change your profession if you need to. Have fun!

Learn a language
Duo Lingo is excellent online and free. Alternatively, raid your bookshelf and find that old phrasebook you took away when you were in Italy aged 20 or that you found in your parents’ old bookcase.

Organise your photos
Though your computer via an app or use the traditional way of writing on the back of all those photos in wallets (yes, some of us still have these). Your children may even thank you for it, and we may all enjoy the memory jog. Get your kids involved too, I bet they won’t have seen most of them, and you can be guaranteed a giggle when they see your old hairstyles and fashion. If you are elderly and isolated alone but have a smart device, take a photo of them and send to your family with a not to say what it is.

Write your memoirs
Put your life down on paper – those amusing events, factual and those questions that your children will never know. Who was your first love, first school, best friend, exams you passed or failed, favourite subject, first car – the list goes on?

Write a blog about something you love or are passionate about
How to sail, fish, cook, knit etc. What the elderly citizens can teach us – interview them by phone or Zoom. The basics of accounting – anything you can share with others. If you find it interesting so will someone else. Wordpess.com (you can swap to .org when you’ve done the course on that!)

Write a book or screenplay
You know you’ve always wanted to. Try Celtz.

Tidy your files on your computer
Sort your emails, file your documents in the cloud, you could even reply to Great Aunt Agnes from three years ago.

Learn an instrument
Many homes have one of these hidden somewhere – drag it out of the cupboard whether it is a or harmonica, guitar, recorder, or even an Irish flute – and if you’ve got a drum kit, you’re winning. Search online on YouTube or any other teaching site.

You may have some sewing items and can alter an outfit or make a cushion cover from old curtains – bring out the Maria from The Sound of Music in you – learn to crochet with your nan’s old pins, knit using wool from an old jumper if you only have the needles, embroider or do French knitting.

Sow some seeds, tend the beds, plan a layout for when this ends and search online for plants that suit your soil and garden design. Mow the lawn and that of neighbours, or do their garden if you don’t have one – you don’t need to go near them, but they will love that you did.

Watch museum tours online
Art, sculptures and fashion. Here is the outstanding Good Housekeeping Institute blog on just that subject.

Study an online University course
Google others

Catalogue your CD or record collection
Do this by name on a computer or written down on a pad. Enjoy listening to them as well – maybe share your favourite tunes online.

Cooking and Cocktails
I adore this, but the food may be short, so try using what you have and cook something new, pretend you are on ‘Ready Steady Cook’ and only have 3 items to make a dinner from. Make lemonade if you have a lemon tree, cocktails from the drinks you never use – but don’t go too mad NZ!!!

Board games and playing games
- Teach yourself rummy or play patience with a pack of playing cards, or teach the kids tricks with cards.
- Create your own board game and sell it.
- Learn Backgammon, teach yourself chess or play battleships on paper.
- This great idea from Stephanie Craig on Facebook for setting up a shop at home, use playing cards as tokens if you don’t have Monopoly money.

Teach your kids (or other family members!) how to:
- Make a bed
- Do the washing
- Clean the house
- Top up the car radiator
- Clear the gutters
- Saw a piece of wood
- Iron a shirt
- Roast potatoes
- Make a cheese toastie
- Cut the lawn
- Sew on a button
- Clean the fridge

Go for a walk around the block – Go on a Bear Hunt – Exercise
Take notice of the area you never have time for before. Look out for those bears or rainbows in windows but remember – round the block is enough and keep your social distance and don’t touch anything.
If you don’t want to go outside try Yoga online perhaps. Why not contact your normal provider and ask them if they have any videos you can watch. It will help keep them in business so you can return to them when lockdown is over.

Unleash your inner photographer
Create an album to share – abstract, sunrise, flowers, home interiors, colours – maybe even sell your prints later.

Teach yourself calligraphy
Prepare to write beautifully for the time when we fall out of love with the internet.

Give your kids a large cardboard box
Let them use coloured pencils and see what they create – sports cars and speed boats here we come.

Learn to code – Code Academy
An excellent skill to have, start today for free at Code Academy.

Sort out your cupboards – kitchen, wardrobe, linen, garage.
Kitchen – work out what new things you can cook from your stores and herbs
Wardrobe – create a capsule wardrobe, see what you can modernise. Offer to others over social and keep until safe for pick up after COVID-19 is clear
Linen – conquer the folding of a fitted sheet, colour code, fold to your heart’s content
Garage – you could need a bit longer for this one – even size your nails if you have too much time! Ideas here…
Practice hairstyles

The World is at Home – Connect online
Time zones often prevent us connecting via Facetime, Skype and Zoom with friends and family overseas. This is a perfect opportunity to set up online meetings with past workmates, family, friends. Catch up with teenage family members you’ve not seen in years, reconnect.
Get your parents to download TeamViewer so you can set it up for them remotely or help with problems online during this time.

Business network online
You may already do this for business – use Zoom and set up a group or join a network if not in one already:

Plan your Christmas list.
Write those letters you always think about doing and make pressies from things around the house – reuse and repurpose.

Enjoy an early night and sleep well.

Read a book or listen online.
Audible is offering free kids stories during this time. You can buy audio books on Audible and iTunes as well as others.

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