Outbox announced winners of The David Awards Most Inspired Use of Technology Category, New Zealand

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Most Inspired Use of Technology Category

Outbox is delighted to be announced winners of this category. Since 2006 we have been using cloud software to enable virtual working for ourselves and our clients. We are looking forward to many more exciting years and new technology to embrace.

Awarded for:

A business which leverages technology in many guises to enhance efficiency, mobility and keep overheads to a minimum. In this category, judges are not necessarily looking for a business whose core business is technical (though it may be), but one where the owner makes good use of technology to gain efficiencies, for instance through time- or cost-saving, or by delivering a service remotely using technology. It may also apply to a business which develops its own technology to deliver a core product or service to clients.

What are the David Awards?

The David Awards recognise the unsung heroes in home and small businesses throughout New Zealand, whose tenacity, courage and ingenuity place them firmly at the forefront of entrepreneurship in this country.

In the same way that David, an ordinary, unassuming young man, conquered the giant Goliath using only his shrewdness and a simple slingshot, these entrepreneurial Davids often punch well above their weight. The aim of The David Awards is to acknowledge the “Davids” who contribute so much to this country, their communities, their families and the Kiwi business landscape, and who are seldom recognised for it.

Here’s what some winners say:
“Firstly, it allowed us to apply for an award in the true context of our present situation, that of the little battler struggling to emerge from amongst giants. With most awards, this aspect is downplayed.

In the case of the David Awards, it is celebrated. Secondly, the categories are reflective of the genuine stages faced by startups. Like the above, this allows us to present ourselves frankly and candidly and be judged in a small business context absent the pressure and sophisticated PR of larger operations. […] That we are privileged to have received this award means we can, on our website and other marketing material and in conversation, drop in the fact that we are ‘winners’. To have been externally judged and found meritorious, especially in a place as small as NZ, is very valuable. We will lean on this honour for years to come.”
– Andre Prassinos, Bio Brew, Winner: Most Outstanding Transitional Business, The David Awards 2012.

“As a small business owner, it’s very easy to forget and celebrate how far you’ve come because we often think about the future, what’s next and take time to stop, pause and reflect. Also entering the awards allowed us to assess all our systems and processes as to how effective and efficient they are, and by spending time “on the business” rather than “in” allowed us to further tighten our systems and foster new ideas that can be used.
Oh – and winning the Supreme Award and the trophy was terrific too!!!”
– Sachie Nomura, Sachie’s Kitchen, Supreme Winner, The David Awards 2012.

“I would recommend any small business to enter The David Awards. Winning the Supreme Award was both an honour and a surprise, it’s great to be recognised for your love and do every day. The whole Pure SEO team gathered in the boardroom to watch the results on the big screen, the reaction when we won was amazing – the entire team were extremely proud. We have since used the momentum from the win to build and grow our business even more.”

-Richard Conway, Pure SEO, Supreme Winner, The David Awards 2013.

“Entering the awards allowed us to look at our business from a different angle, celebrate our success and identify areas for improvement. We’ve come a long way from a suburban garage in Palmerston North… We still both work from home, enjoying the flexible lifestyle rewards; but also the challenges of running what is now a multi-million dollar business with pre-school aged kids sitting underneath the desks and playing in the offices. The Supreme award was a delightful addition [to the Lifestyle and Transitional awards] and we’re sure that we will receive incalculable benefits from receiving the award.”
– Joe Hesmondhalgh, GroutPro, Supreme Winner, The David Awards 2011.

“Winning the 2010 Supreme Award secured us some great publicity as well as additional credibility with new customers. The whole David Awards experience also gave me confidence and impetus to really push forward in overseas markets. As a result, we have recently experienced some encouraging success breaking into the Australian market and we’re building a successful relationship with a UK partner.”
– Jackie Rive, Brookby Herbs, Supreme Winner, The David Awards 2010.